Sunday, September 22, 2013


The Double Points ! - September 20, 2013

On the horns of plenty !
Until 26/09/2013 at 14:00 , 
when open a Horn of Plenty get
double points for your piñatas !
The amount of points varies depending 
on the piñata 're currently trying
open but you would get double the usually !
Enjoy !
Howrse Team
Try a Horn of Plenty !

Creations - September 10, 2013
For Halloween!
Summer is over and it is time to start
prepare for the fall and Christmas parties .
That is why we thought that for the space
creation to begin in October ( and whose term
 presentation will end on October 26 ) do
Halloween themed space .
Therefore I suggest that you prepare your creations ,
 both funds and layers, for Halloween as
 dark as you can.
This theme is just a suggestion , you can still send
 Timpo all creations .
We look forward to your creations .
Have fun on Howrse !

Howrse Team
Las Pinatas ! - September 9, 2013
They have come to Howrse !
Until 26/09/2013 at 14:00 , you can try to break the Piñata on Howrse !
The aim of the game is open for twenty Piñatas what's inside by clicking on them .
Do not forget to complete the daily targets for faster progress .
You can also open Horns of Abundance for extra points , how many points a Piñata Caria another .
You can also work with the community on Howrse and try to break the Piñata Howrse Giant on Facebook totaling 30 000 'likes' !
If everyone works together and you get the Piñata order will open and provide Heliosque ray may be used within 30 days to each player who participated .
To learn more about how to make them shatter Pinatas and check out the contest page !
We hope you enjoy opening your Piñatas !
Howrse Team

A Blog - August 22, 2013
Dedicated to Howrse !
As of today will have a new chance to take cognizance of all that happens in the world of Howrse , people in our writing will begin a blog we use so that you have better communication with the Howrse team .
Feel free to take a look from time to time .
Have fun !
Howrse Team
Howrse 's Blog
More Changes ! - August 21, 2013
Improvements in the Forums !
Following your instructions , we introduce new improvements to Howrse forums .
All changes to respond to user feedback of all our communities.
Do not forget to collaborate actively in the forum of ideas.
You can learn more about these changes in the game changes page .
Thank you all for your help .
Howrse Team
Login to the forums.
Page Changes
New Features ! - July 17, 2013
For the month of July!
Although it's summer , Howrse Team never rests , and this July we bring a lot of new features that we hope will make the game experience more simple and enjoyable.
Check out the updates page to discover what new features you'll find from today .
Hope you are enjoying a nice summer.
Howrse Team
Page Changes
Creation Space ! - June 6, 2013
Summer Postcards!
For the July issue of space we are creating challenging Howrse creative souls to send us postcards of places they would like to visit this summer for use with the Ray of Helios !
The creations must be sent between 1 and July 6th !
Show us where you live or what parts of the world you would like to see, or even imaginary places where they would spend a dream vacation !
To make the challenge more interesting and give it a toquecillo of interest , we will offer some additional gifts for the best funds sent to space creation for the Helios ray in July.
What you could win:
If you are among the top 5 , you get a divine at your choice of Amethyst , Frost and Saturn.
If you're one of the next 10 , you get a Horn of Plenty .
We hope you enjoy sending postcards to share your dreams of travel and adventure with all players on Howrse !
We wish yougood luck!
Howrse Team
Login to the forums.
The Creation Space

Mobile Howrse ! - June 4, 2013
Check the new version on your mobile !
Today Howrse team is proud to present the latest of Owlient on the path of innovation !
The mobile version of Howrse !
From now on , you can play Howrse in a special version designed to run on your smartphone !
Just use your smartphone browser to connect to the game and the mobile version will be displayed automatically .
No need to download anything !
To avoid login to your account every time you go to Howrse , simply use the " remember me" .
Although we recommend that you use this feature only if you are the only user of the phone and it has access control to prevent third-party access .
Please be aware that some features of the game are not yet available in the mobile version.
When a feature is not available in the mobile version, you'll be prompted to go to the classic version of caballow to use it.
Howrse Now you can enjoy on the go !
Howrse Team

What 's new ? - April 24, 2013
April News
We are sure you will enjoy the new features we've introduced this month!
Some have been widely demanded by our communities.
The time displayed on the page of the horse :
It is located directly under the picture of your horse and next to the main controls , that is in view mienrtas work with your horse!
Also on display , not only in military time (0800 ) but also with a circular clock that shows where you are day depending on whether it is full or not.
You can also see what time it is for the horse in your public profile !
The divine gifts of horses shown in your office :
When a horse gives you a gift divine there is now an entry in your office page that tells you what you have won and how divine. This should allow you to have a better perspective of what you earn with your divine .
New search engine :
Long-awaited and widely called for, you can search for the Apple of Haunted Pumpkin Diamond and sales !The sales link has been added to the trophies :
Are you missing an animal for your trophy?
Fear not !
now you can use the corresponding put option to find missing you

Changes in the gifts of the divine wind :
We removed one of the gifts of the series of four horses dabanb gifts divine wind.
This means that the probability of getting a good gift increases and not have to generate as many storms .
For example Cecias gifts were :
Don of Hestia , Diamond , Horseshoes Pluto FK and parchment .
Now will :
Don of Hestia , Diamond and Scroll of Pluto .

The Black Market has been reorganized :
And last but not least there is a new section on the Black Market to show all objects of type " privilege" you have earned in competitions.
The "Privileges " are objects like Vampire Privilege , which was offered during Halloween cards .
Also find that the Black Market items are now grouped in groups retractable make navigation easier.
Enjoy them !
Howrse Team

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